Friday, September 3, 2010

Pineapples grow in the ground?!

Its true. I saw it with my own eyes when I studied abroad in Costa Rica. Before that trip, I thought for sure that pineapples grew in trees. Many of us are clueless about how a lot of foods grow, and where our food comes from. Part of the "Farm to Table" mission is to raise awareness in the community and on campus about food and the food industry. We have scheduled a screening of the film FOOD, Inc. for September 16th, 7 pm, in Okun Theatre, Farrell Hall. This film exposes America's industrialized food system and the effect it has on our health, environment, worker's rights, and economy. It was nominated for an Oscar and has gotten rave reviews. After I saw this film, my entire perspective on food changed. Even if you have already seen this film, come see it again. Mark your don't want to miss it!

"Don't take another bite till you see Food, Inc., an essential, indelible documentary."
- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

"Does for the supermarket what 'Jaws' did for the beach."
- John Anderson, Variety