I hope you have had a wonderful week.
- The scanned newspaper articles are now digitized into a pdf. Let me know if you want this and I will gladly send it along.
- I made a flyer and info sheet for vendors for the Farmers' market on campus planned for October
- Sonia Persichilli sent me this link for a Farm to School toolkit https://red001.mail.microsoftonline.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=32455e56509842d39a13e470038929b2&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.wafarmtoschool.org%2fToolKit
- Amber Tatnall and I finished writing our final report on the findings from the WIC survey.
- I finished my "final report and recommendations" It is a powerpoint presentation and summarizes the year's successes and challenges, and then I give some suggestions on how to move forward.
- Starting working on my LAST AmeriCorps quarterly report!