Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Agricultural Practices and Summer Arts Festival (January 29th through February 4th)

Hello everyone,
I send out emails every week outlining my progress on the Farm to Table project. This is mainly to generate discussion and keep people updated. So please feel free to email me back with ideas/suggestions.
  • Talked on the phone with Peter Grannis from Maines. He gave me a list of the farms in NY that they work with (see attached document if you are interested). He also gave me a broad overview of what needs to happen before a farm can work with a big distributor. One thing is that the farm needs to be certified in "Good Agricultural Practices" (GAPS). Maybe Farm Catskills could set up a program that would help farms through the GAPS certification process.
  • WIC Project: Amber Tatnall has a few students that are interested. They need to pass the online IRB course and then we can get started.
  • Rachel Pollens contacted me about incorporating local food into the summer arts festival in Delhi. I am hopefully meeting with her this afternoon.
  • Found out that Jon Hood (student interested in campus garden) no longer goes here.
  • Finished Being Green, Making Green panel discussion flyers. They are going to be hung up around campus and in the community.

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