Friday, February 11, 2011

Panel discussions and New Projects (January 8th through the 14th)

Hi! I hope you all have had a great week. Here is the update on the Farm to Table project.
  • Found out about a MAINES (food distributor that CADI uses) service that works with local farms. Left a message with the contact the secretary gave me. Hopefully he will call me back and we can talk about how the service works and what it takes for a farm to become part of that distribution chain.
  • Met will Amber Tatnall to discuss the details of the WIC project. Our goal is to have the proposal written by January 17th.
  • Finalized the panel discussion to be held at SUNY Delhi. Here is the blurb about it that I wrote for the campus newspaper.
“Being Green, Making Green”: A panel discussion on local food entrepreneurship

The Food for Thought committee is going to present a panel discussion on February 15th at 7:00 pm in Okun Theatre. The panel is going to feature several guests: Chris Harmon from the Center for Agricultural Development and Entrepreneurship (CADE), Holly and Richard Giles from Lucky Dog Farm, Jonah Shaw from Quarter Moon Café, and Faiga Brussel from Good Cheap Food.  The discussion is going to focus on local food as a business, how and why people get involved, the challenges and rewards of local food entrepreneurship, why supporting local food is important, and what we would like to see happen in the future. The event is free and everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there!

  • Had a FFT meeting on Friday morning.  Chef Jay wants to have a harvest dinner next October that would be all local food. He wants to start planning now so that farmers can plant specifically for this. I think this would be a perfect stepping stone to the college buying entire fields of tomatoes etc. in the future.  I am going to try and schedule a meeting with him to discuss this in more detail.

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